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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cultural Diversity in Communication

I find myself sometimes saying what others may feel sometimes. If you come into my world you should learn my language and our customs. I know this is wrong to feel this way but this goes to show that at some point and time we all have faced cultural myopia. Working with Head Start over the years I have began to have a better understanding for those from other cultures. When we serve families from other cultures I take the time to get to know them by taking the time to read about them through family service worker interview. I meet with them during parent orientation and ask quesiton of concerns I may have. As an educator I need to make sure that I make them feel comfortable and not an outcast because we are a team working together to give their child the best learning experience possible. Each person deserves to be respected regardless of their culture. Working with Head Start has given me an opportunity to overcome judging someone from another culture and I know that with every new culutre I am exposed to that it is a new learning experience with me.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Communication- Verbal/Non-verbal

I choose to watch "The Big Bang Theory". I haven't watched the show but my children record it and watch often so I decided I would check it out. The show starts off with friends all in a comic book store. They are all talking and I witness many facial expression among them. The guy at the counter says something and you can immediately see the excitement in the others face because they all run to the counter. The group of guys look as if they are fussing about something. As the show moves on it shows one of the guys girlfriend come into scene and she has this confused look on her face about what has been said to her by her boyfriend. He is laughing and carry on but she is not. As I continue to watch this show I see many facial expression among the cast and I really do not seem to understand what is going on with them all. Watching the show with sound on gave me a better understanding of what was happening. The show takes place in a comic book store where the friends are discussing a famous author coming to visit the bookstore and everyone is getting excited. One of the friends is a huge fan and is getting really excited about meeting this person. They are not at all fussing they were all just excited about meeting someone they admire. When watching the scence with the girlfriend the reason she has the confused look is that she does not know who this famous person is that her boyfriend is talking about so she is confused and he is excited. Again, there is alot of body language and facial expression in this show. I don't know if I would assumed all of the charcters roles correctly if I watched this show often. This is one of those shows that I can not get into. There is alot of different scences going on in this show for me to understand. I guess it is a show made for the younger generation and not the older like me. Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers.
Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers..

Brown, Les
Quote from Quote Cosmos

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Effective Communicator

Thinking about an effective communicator in my workplace I have to give the credit to my center manager. She is always there to listen to us when we have complaints to suggestions. She makes sure she has weekly meetings with staff to discuss any issues or concerns we may have. She is not only our center manager but also our family service worker. She helps us if we are having concerns about a child in our classroom,she will get invovled in discussing concerns with parents and getting back with teacher to discuss any information we should be aware of. When it comes to getting memo's from our central office she makes copies of memo and gives to each staff. Each staff is required to sign a slip stating that they have receiveda copy of memo. This is giving her doucumentation to let her boss know that she communicates with staff and staff are aware of anything going on. Communication is important and it is a part of everything we do in our daily lives. The only way we will learn from each other is to communicate. I would have to say that with the communication skills that our center manager uses makes our job easier and we all as a staff get along well. Communication is important.