Thinking about my support system in my life many people come to mind. The first person on top of the list is God. Without him so many things would not be possible. He is the one person you can always count on in any time of need. My family is a great support system for me. They are understanding when things get tough especailly when I am up doing homework and trying to make it through school so that I can better prepare myself for them in the future. Everyone needs to have someone special they can always count on and have to talk to when things get tough.
My mom would be a number one fan on my support system team. She has helped me so much during my time going to school. She has been the glue that keeps me together. She has been there and help me with my childrren by making sure they were feed and bathe when I came in from school at night. She was also working full time and then she would pick up my kids from school or daycare and take care of them for me. Without her doing this I would have never made it through school during my time.
Now that my children are older they are a good support system. My boys who are 19 year old twins help alot with their younger sister. If I am doing my homework and she is doing hers and has a problem and I can't get to it right then, they always set up on the plate and help her.
I am so thankful for all of those who have supported me in all I do and for helping me make the best of my career by giving me the courage to go back to school and help enhance my skills so that I can better my future not only for myself but for my family as well.
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